Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Little Mermaid

My daughter found a beautiful mermaid costume in a catalog recently. (Why do I even bring those home?) Of course, those mass produced costumes cost around $50, and they are usually ill fitting and cheaply made. (The southern belle gown from last year was in tatters before the trick or treating was over.) I figured for $50 I could come up with something similar, that would hopefully fit my petite little gal better. So she and I headed to the fabric store, where we found the cutest fabric that looked like slinky scales! I of course totally over estimated how much I would need, but considering I was working without a pattern, I think it turned out pretty good.

I don't make clothing very often, so it took a lot of planning. (How will she get it on? Can she use the bathroom? Can she walk? Can she wear sweatpants underneath?) The pink bikini top is completely adjustable (hook and loop tape) so she can wear it over her pink leotard for school and still wear it over her pink coat for trick or treating in our frigid, northern climate. We added the green boa because DD thought it looked like seaweed...

Coming soon:
  • Baby brother's skunk costume
  • Almost got one sock done...
  • Sorting through my ridiculous yarn stash for the proper baby bootie yarn


  1. Could you BE any craftier?!?!?! Great costume! Your kids are so lucky....I am sewing challenged!

  2. That's really cute. The Prince is going to be Spiderman (what else?) this year and for $12 it was well worth the Walmart trip! I'm excited to see the skunk!
