Last summer at my local ladies golf league, I won a pin-prize that included a beaded stroke counter. It was genius! I can hook it with a half-hitch to my belt loop, and slide the little beads one at a time to help me keep track of my strokes. As with most little craft items, I took one look at it and thought, "I can make that."
This summer I did. I made a second one for myself, and also made one for my mom and all my ladies league team members!
I bought a big package of red, white, and blue beads and some elastic cord. The beads are strung "X" style, so they can slide easily but stay securely where you put them.
Each counter has ten counting beads and one handle bead to help with the hooking and unhooking. (When you run out of beads, you know to pick up your ball and move on!) It's a simple little solution, and I wish I could claim it as my own, but I did "borrow" the design. Just another little craft thing that keeps my hands busy. Anything to distract me from doing the dishes! Enjoy your summer!