Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby Quilt

So, I'm a little behind. I've been busy with projects, just not of my own choice! We've been moving and working on the addition to our house. Plus, it's summertime, and there just isn't enough time for all the crafts I'd like to do!
My sister's baby girl was born in December, and the good auntie that I am, I still hadn't given her a baby gift! My sister and her family were coming to visit (they live far, far away) so I really had to bust it to get the quilt finished for my sweet little niece!
I am not much of a "quilter", so my quilts are rather childish and simple. And for heaven's sake, don't look too closely at the stitching! But I think this one turned out pretty cute.
My sister and her hubby are big mountain fans, so this pattern is supposed to resemble the mountain range I see out my kitchen window, in a cartoonish sort of way.

I now know exactly why the lady at the fabric store suggested a "walking foot" for working with the minky fabric (the purple stuff). It does NOT slide very well, which tends to bunch up the the other fabrics.

My sister LOVES statin blanket binding, so obviously I would include it. (She will sit and run it through her fingers for hours without even knowing she's doing it! We gave her a lot of grief about it when we were kids!) But I choose this super cute, rainbow colored thread to bind with. Not a great idea. This stuff is like tinsel, and it would break every couple inches. I was very frustrated with it, but managed to finish the project without throwing the sewing machine against the wall. (It was a close call a couple times, until my husband reminded me how much "fun" I was having. I hate it when he's all rational. It puts a damper on my tantrum.)

Anyway, better late than never! Welcome to the world, Baby Natalie!